Thanks for reading me... pan down past the funnies excessive as election special!!! "...I'm one small person from a small family...inside a majority of millions...screaming out for equality


Murdoch boasts that he can get any party elected and that he has done so in his own country and in ours, tell him to sod off our democracy is no longer for sale

Monday 26 April 2010

The xtent of the power of Ashcroft & Murdoch et al on any future Tory govt that got BBC to back down over documentary

In response to blog Don't get fooled again about - Indy 19/03/10 Blog reporting how the BBC shelved a documentary on Lord Ashcroft murky matters - the multi million £cash backer of the conservatives - threatened legal and other action the BBC caved-in grovelling to Tory paymaster in their desperate attempt at mercy plea! On 23rd april 'Pickled' tried to say they've never interfered with our free n vigorous press (Tory lies damm lies yet again)

Shame on you BBC - why oh why did U cave in to them. Either Ur journalism wouldn't stand up to legal scrutiny in which case it should not have been considered for airing. What was their real complaint - Ur documentary was it full of gossip & unsubstantiated innuendo intended 2 help Ur pals in the Labour Party? Or if Kosher info Y did U allowed Urself 2 be bullied by a party that looked at the time a shue in for the election?. An attempt at pleas for clemency? Murdochs stated aims 4 BBC well known & public + pocket cameron = Turkeys really do vote 4 Xmas.

It's not the BBC I thought we had, certainly not the BBC I grew up with.
What is going on over there.

I now understand the editorial decisions on your coverage of this election in last few weeks. You were intimidated ahead of murdochs shue in victory, supposedly less U upset him the more mercy he would show U in future?

Shame on U all Its our bloody BBC, Its our country. Its our bloody voice that should be heard. Its also our right to be informed in impartial way by our own broadcasters & about pertinent current affairs & we should expect decent not scurrilous coverage in our print press.

This election has thrown a light upon what has become of all these institutions after the drip drip slippage of standards & ethics by the tacit collusion which has contributed to the creation of Media fascism. I thought some things need sorting in this country- I hadn't realised that the BBC was one of them. One very annoyed BBC licence fee payer with a long long memory...

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