Thanks for reading me... pan down past the funnies excessive as election special!!! "...I'm one small person from a small family...inside a majority of millions...screaming out for equality


Murdoch boasts that he can get any party elected and that he has done so in his own country and in ours, tell him to sod off our democracy is no longer for sale

Sunday 25 April 2010

Why You should vote Lib Dem

On MAY 6th 2010 People in the UK will have the chance to, not only make a real statement of power, but also change the voting system & the UK for the better!

BEFORE I STATE SOME OF THE KEY LIB DEM POINTS I WOULD LIKE EVERYONE TO READ THIS SMALL BIT OF INFO:The Lib Dems, are the ONLY main party that are in favour of Proportional Representative Voting, This is the ONLY way small partiessuch as the Green party, Plaid Cymru & other such small parties... I urge you, If you are a TRUE supporter of 1 of these small parties, it is in your BEST INTEREST to vote Lib Dem in the upcoming elections.Key Policy Points include:

-ECONOMY -* Breaking up the banks and getting them lending again* Introducing a Banking Levy so that banks pay for the financial support they have received* Setting a £400 pay rise cap for all public sector workers* Restoring the link between the basic state pension and earnings

- HEALTH -* Prioritising illness prevention* Giving every patient the right to register with the GP they choose* Cutting the size of the Department of Health by half* Providing guaranteed respite care for the one million carers who work the youngest hours* Prioritise dementia research* Improving access to counselling for people with mental health issues* Reforming payments to GPs

- EDUCATION -* Cutting class sizes to ensure children get the individual attention they need* Scrapping university tuition fees during first degrees* Investing £2.5 billions in schools, targeted to help struggling pupils* Axing the National Curriculum and replacing it with a slimmed-down 'Minimum Curriculum Entitlement'* Scale back Key State 2 tests for 11-year-olds* Creating a General Diploma to brings GCSEs, A-levels and vocational qualifications together* Reforming league tables* Guaranteeing Special Educational Needs (SEN) statements for all five-year-olds* Giving schools the freedom to make the right choices for their pupils* Improving teacher training by increasing the size of the both the Graduate Teacher Programme and Teach First* Setting aside money for schools to increase the energy efficiency of their buildings- TAX -* Raising the threshold at which people start paying income tax to £10,000* Freeing 3.6 million low earners and pensions from income tax completely* Restricting Tax Credits* Restoring the link between the basic state pension and earnings* Introducing a Mansion Tax for properties worth over £2 million* Giving tax relief on pensions only at the basic rate* Taxing capital gains at the same rates as income* Replacing Air Passenger Duty with a per-plane duty* Closing loopholes that unfairly benefit the wealthy and polluters* Reforming local taxation, including looking into scrapping the Council Tax

- EUROPE -* Working with Britain's European neighbours to create thousands of new jobs* Working through the EU for stricter international regulation of financial services and banking* Keeping pressure on for reform of agricultural subsidies* Campaigning for continuing reform of the EU budget* Making the EU use its collective weight effectively in other areas of foreign policy* Pushing for a co-ordinated EU-wide asylum system* Promoting the transition to a low-carbon economy in Europe* Boosting investment in clean energy by reforming the EU emissions trading scheme* Working for the adoption of 'quick win' measures such as reducing the use of HFCs

- DEFENCE -* Cancelling Euro-fighter Tranche 3b* Holding an immediate Strategic Security and Defence Review* Ruling out the like-for-like replacement of Trident nuclear weapons system - planning to save £100bn* Giving a pay rise to the lower ranks to bring them in link with other emergency services* Doubling the rate of modernisation of forces' family homes* Reducing the numbers of MoD staff and top brass officers* Military action against Iran ruled out categorically

- ENVIRONMENT - * Insulating all homes to a good standard within 10 years* Setting a target for 40 per cent of electricity will come from renewable sources by 2020 rising to 100 per cent by 2050* Investing up to £400 million in refurbishing shipyards so they can manufacture offshore wind turbines* Transforming electricity networks* Launching a one-year Eco Cash-Back scheme* Setting aside money for schools that want to improve the energy efficiency of their buildings* Investing £140 million in a bus scrappage scheme to replace old, polluting buses* Blocking any new coal-fired power stations* Rejecting a new generation of nuclear power stations

- FOREIGN -* Increasing the UK's aid budget to reach the UN target of 0.7pc of GNI by 2013* Holding the G8 to its Glen-eagles pledges on aid, including the 0.7pc target* Working with other countries to establish new sources of development financing* Supporting reform of global financial institutions such as the World Bank and IMF* Supporting a global fund for social protection to help developing countries build viable welfare systems* Pushing for a renewed international effort on debt* Supporting 100pc cancellation of the un-payable debts of the world's poorest countries* Supporting the establishment of an International Arms Sale Treaty

- TRANSPORT -* Investing £140 million in a bus scrappage scheme to remove old, polluting buses* Cutting rail fares* Making Network Rail refund a third of the ticket price where replacement bus services are used* Switching traffic from road to rail by investing in local rail improvements* Cancelling plans for a third runway at Heathrow and any expansion of other airports in the south east* Undertaking preparations for the introduction of road pricing in a second parliament* Introducing a rural fuel discount scheme

- BUSINESS -* Cutting red tape* Putting an end to the 'gold-plating' of EU rules* Reforming business rates so they are based on site values, not rental* Allowing small businesses to choose to be taxed on cash flow* Overhauling competition powers----Do NOT believe what some would like you to, we CAN do this, The Lib Dems are the only TRUE alternative to the current labour party, and they CAN get into power with YOUR help!Over the next few weeks the Conservative & Labour party will start to sling mud, fake stories, and use there huge funds to try and stop the Lib Dem surge, we NEED to stand strong and ignore the lies...

WE CAN DO THIS---If you have the time please visit your local Lib Dem office and help out, if not - Please invite your friends - do it in 1 click with this guide:

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