Thanks for reading me... pan down past the funnies excessive as election special!!! "...I'm one small person from a small family...inside a majority of millions...screaming out for equality


Murdoch boasts that he can get any party elected and that he has done so in his own country and in ours, tell him to sod off our democracy is no longer for sale

Saturday 24 April 2010

Jimmibabe for Maj Govt of Lib Dem

I'm 1 small person from a small family...inside a majority of millions...screaming out for equality.
I am aged 39 who used to surf for shopping, amusement, facebook etc, the net revolution had all but passed me by - i'd never tweeted blogged. I don't represnt any paid-for axe grinder, nor had I helped in any election, given a donation to political party until April 15th when my life changed - i realised that i agreed with nick.
I realised there was hope for a change in the future and that never again will i sit on the sidelines. Or allow myself to be made to feel that my vote didn't count, or that my voice was so small it was bound to never be heard by anyone. My voice is not small and it is shouting in unison with millions of others - thanksnick.

At the 2005 election 1 in 4 voters voted Liberal Democrat, if in 2010 1 in 3 voted for them they will be a substantial majority government.
That is how crazy our first past the post system is and it is more than overdue to be dragged kicking, screaming and punching into the reality of the 21st century. You can see why Labour and Tory just want to pass absolute power backwards and forwards between them, decided for the most part by unelected forces working furiously behind the scenes in the murky world of their political machines. It is also why they are both obsessed with screaming/scaring us about a Hung govt. Its a ruse they fear us, they fear an elected Lib Dem maj govt, because they would lose power.
They don't care about you, they just want you to give them your f....g vote. They ask you this every 4 or 5 years and then i between they say talk to the hand cause the face aint listening.
They in their own actions, words and deeds have shown contempt for us the little people. You should show your contempt for them on May 6.

I have always voted Liberal Democrat in my local and national elections even tho in the past they did not win. I did that because for the last 20 years they have reflected my considered views, wishes and hopes perpetually under the leaders who when talking sense in public life and received either ridicule or shouts of i agree with you but you will never form a govt from the chattering classes. Whilst whenever they and other LD MP's were / are exposed to the real general public eg Question Time they've received from the general public almost universally agreement, cheers and applause. Nodding their heads and saying " yeah thats what i think or feel".
My friends, colleagues, family anyone who asked me who i was voting for and after replying Lib Dem often felt free to mock that choice. And sometimes be downright offensive about it. I endured this all the while knowing that i have actually thought about how their policies would affect the govt, how they would affect me. I knew I had thought about my vote and I suspected that they had not. When i explained what Lib Dems wanted to do in office i always heard "thats great, or i would really like to see that, or that should be done, but i'm not voting for them because they won't be the next govt. "
That is not true today, just a few days ago 49% of people when polled said they agreed with Lib Dems policies and would vote for Lib Dem if they could win. 2010 they can win, they will win, FEEL IT - it's all over and tory & lab know it.

But i had the courage to believe what was right, at all times, what was right for me, my job, my family, friends, communuity and country. To hope that things would get better. In the past secretly wishing change could come rather than suspecting it would not. That all changed on April 15. I know for sure that we DO have a choice in this country and we are gonna have to fight and shout very hard to be heard over the white noise of the tory and labour party machine that is in truth chucking everything at us.
We cannot be complacent tho, it isn't over until the extraordinary, normal, free thinking, charming, well informed, with good judgement and policies team of the Lib Dems are returned as the govt on May 7. In short it isn't over until the fat nation of people sing.

Thanksnick and the Lib Dem Team who have restored a sense of self esteem and belief in: accountability, fairness, security, civil liberties, a future fair for all. With political power no longer for sale to the highest most unelected payer. No longer will our MPs be free to snuffle in the troughs and take us into devasting foreign policy decisions. Which i might add the Lib Dems opposed and were derided by the other 2 old parties. Tory never ever have represented the people and labour chucked off their support of the people who brought them to power in 1997 just as soon as they could sell the victorious and subsequent govts power to the highest bidder of all kinds and sorts. We've seen for the last 13 years all u need to know about how Labour and Tory do and will govern.

I and millions of others have pride in saying i am a Liberal Democrat. Thanksnick for restoring our belief that our election, that will be decided by the people without undue influence or bias, without scaremongering, blackmailing cajoling our vote away from us. I am wishing and working for a fairer future for myself, my family my community and country and reject the old fashioned sod you i'm all right jack divide and conquer politics.

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