Thanks for reading me... pan down past the funnies excessive as election special!!! "...I'm one small person from a small family...inside a majority of millions...screaming out for equality


Murdoch boasts that he can get any party elected and that he has done so in his own country and in ours, tell him to sod off our democracy is no longer for sale

Monday 26 April 2010

Diary of Jo Bloggs aged 39 and a bit, cheesed off, cold, wet, really f...d-oof to paraphrase a rather famous news broadcaster

David Cameron's FIRST of many mistakes was Not To select Kenneth Clarke as his choice for Chancellor in the next govt. Or any other similar to Mr Clarke somewhat of a financial expert you know. Instead he'd like his Friend from university Mr Osborne a lawyer to take care of it. Even the paper who supports his party vocifuriously wants Ken 'as they put in 1 of their daily polls asking who their public readers would like for Chancellor' Unfortunately for them Ken is not on offer ! CallmeDave Camerwrong His biggest & probably more telling mistake was to agree to take part in 'The TV Election Debates' A diasterous political miscalculation - that is at the root of all his screaming from the election bus "don't vote for us & it will be a diasater because of... this or that... which has becaome the rallying call of his campaign now. Tory thru & thru always has something or someone else to blame for the diaster afflicting them. The Real Diaster for Him & the conservative party. The free 3 party discussion of 'The election Debates' allowed for the first time Ever the oppotunity for the wider general public to be exposed to the genuine alternative choice of Nick Clegg, Vince Cable et al of the Liberal Democrats What was he thinking...perhaps... he wasn't an afflication which appears to dog him through-tout this election process. Or was He over confident... arrogant even... certainly believing his own hype...& propaganda put out by his friendly media... thought the public too stupid to see thru his thinly diguised veneer? Maybe he'd done a deal which He thought bought him the keys to No10? The decision is Yours...Why do you think he did it? But more importantly what should we make of these decisions? What do they tell us about the Man himself? For me it shows he lacks the good, sound, clear judgement needed for high office. If under a govt i had not voted for, I would still want to know that they would do good in office as whomever is in power, whether u support them or not, they do govern and affect Your life in very dramatic ways. In times past perhaps a person might have said to me i'd rather have Dave look what Gordon has done to us, or of another political bent they might have said i'd rather have Gordon Gawd help us what would Dave do to us. Today a new day has arrived, we can really say "I elect none of the above". We have a real a choice emerging from the smoke & mirrors of election-sneering Liberal Democrats should form the next government on their own on a platform for real change The only people obsessed by getting a hung parliament and/or coalition govenment are the Labservatives and their screaming friends alike in the media minching machine. Don't let them steal your vote. We need Democracy in this country Not DemoCRAZY. Which will mean everyone to have a free fair vote in which every vote carries the same value as every other. In which everyones voice whichever colour has a chance to be heard, considered rejected or agreed with - for ever, for all time. At least in the future if we have a criticism of our govt of the time, we may actually be commenting on issues that matter to us the people & our daily lives rather than the media merry-goround which serves only to put undue power into the hands of friends who could have gone to school with the very people in govt they are propping up or slagging off. Its all old school Tie, don't listen to smear and innuendo - its all part of the scandal that wishes to Continue to steal our Democracy, Our Choice, Our voice as a people. We the people stand up for those being bullied, we stand up for the right ideals of being a decent human being in a mad bad world. Why when it comes to our politics do we let them do this to us? If You want change on May 6 you are going to have to act positively. You want change then you are going to have to vote for it not just support it from the comfort of your own nest. My friends We are certainly living in interesting times! Vote for Nick Clegg... Vote For Vince Cable... Vote for their other clever & interesting friends you haven't yet heard of... Vote for their practical, sensible, relevant, sustainable & so very much needed policies Vote Lib Dem on May 6 you know it makes sense

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