Thanks for reading me... pan down past the funnies excessive as election special!!! "...I'm one small person from a small family...inside a majority of millions...screaming out for equality


Murdoch boasts that he can get any party elected and that he has done so in his own country and in ours, tell him to sod off our democracy is no longer for sale

Monday 26 April 2010

Stephen is thinking...about voting LibDem yea

Are U thinking what I'm thinking...some famous people are... Stephen Fry let us all know ..iagreewith stephen....iagree with Nick and i agree with Vince..... that we can't go on like this ....... (extract from the diary of Jo Bloggs, tee hee) ....One View Press... Two Party system that denies us our own democracy & freedoms. Which asks for our opinion once every 4/5 years at their pleasure and then tells us to bugger off all the days in between election night poll closure & the start of the next election campaign. Freedoms and Democracy - that I might add alike many others my relatives esp grandfathers & father served & fought to defend our people and this country from tyranny and facism. Against allowing dark forces to influence our seats of power in whatever guise they come, for there are many. To give us the right to say who governs us and how We expect them to behave in govt should They decide to apply for high office. It should be that if They don't like it and can't take heat from the scrutiny of the people, then get out of the kitchen - every day not just a couple of weeks every 4/5 years THE PEOPLE SHOULD NOT BE AFRAID OF ITS GOVERNMENT, A GOVERNMENT SHOULD BE AFRAID OF THE PEOPLE ... three terms of govt, our system allows our govts to be formed in such a way that they habitually keep power for sometimes 2/3/4 terms before they can be finally ousted even tho they've been deeply disappointing the people they serve for years. You might think i'm talking abou the Labour govt - i am in fact talking about the last tory govenments which for A few years INCLUDED Mr Cameron who was a junior minister. He found the heat of the financial crisis then too much that that he 'checked out' & went to make some money with his pals in the private sector. The financial crisis that thay faced is but a pimple on the face of the one we have now facing us. He checked out then and in the future pressure storn to come he will do so again Both Labservative want to put Lawyers in charge of the crisis - lawyers for christs sake - LibDem have a financial expert propsed for the job but you'll have to vote for him to get him. If u don't vote at all then its a vote for apathy or vote for labservative - either of these are going to 'f..k up' you and yours lives ad infinitum We hear everywhere in the white noise of the election-sneering "There's only one David Cameron..there's only one David Cameron...blah blah blah, whatever particular platitudes and guff I'm peddling today, hello little people hear me roar, haven't I got a lovely smile..." "I wanna get myself elected" He's not shouting so loud about what he did in govt last time around and have you heard anyone bringing him under scrutiny about it? Well No you wouldn't, would U, because its Not in their interests to do this. No I'm not paranoid, I'm factual, i've seen it all before and i'm sick to the back teeth of it. Everything i'm talking about here is the actuality.... i'm not being economical with the truth.... i haven't mis spoke... or whatever term you yourself will have heard in the last 20 years from the very lips of the MPs & govts of Labservative. I can assure you from painful experience that Labservatives they are all alike. The only thing i'm trying to do here is shout above the morass of crap being put out by the £millions funded party machines that have become corrupt. Whats that saying ... Absolute power corrupts absolutely...sumting like that. I remember 1992 major govt they should have lost, but after a vitrolic campaign 'some how' they were returned with such a low majority that the govt could hardly function to get its policies thru. Well 5 yes 5 full years of dangersously bad run govt that was finally routed by a public that had gotten sick & tired of being lied to and taken for granted and for a mug day in day out. 5 years of scandal in public office, of sleaze... sounds all so familiar Labour was leected Mr baliar a wolf in sheeps clothing, a Tory splashed with a bit of changing rooms makover splash of red paint. He hid his real party, zipped the mouths of those dissenters within his own party until they could get elected, even hid totally the most objectionable MP's to the public who would clash with his PR presentation to the electorate 1997. Yes Callme DAve Camerwrong learnt all his nifty tricks from master - i say to You don't beieve the Hype.

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