Thanks for reading me... pan down past the funnies excessive as election special!!! "...I'm one small person from a small family...inside a majority of millions...screaming out for equality


Murdoch boasts that he can get any party elected and that he has done so in his own country and in ours, tell him to sod off our democracy is no longer for sale

Wednesday 28 April 2010

Letter to sent in frustration to This Morning explaining why I’m voting Lib Dem



Via twitter

@itvthismorning Dear Phil n Holly, big fan, as home by necesity of long term illneess. I just needed to get something off my chest and i hope you don't mind me telling you, I've included a little pic which really did make me smile, something i think we could all do with at the moment
I Don't know if you'll be discussing the financial situation today as per todays papers election etc - , i couldn't see on your twitter feed. Too shy to call. I'm daily at home digesting the election fever all day long - However just wanted to make a point Both Labour and Conservatives have had the benefit of alan Budd, he told govt where future cuts will come from. Before he decamped to conservatives preparing a report for them. They both know the full fiscal picture and where the future cuts will be but they will not make it public or even hint. Most dishonest I feel. mr Brown could have called a spending review b4 election but no, slight of hand he has shown often in the past regarding budget etc. they both seeking to dissemble - a new word i found yesterday which sums it right up
Poor old Lib Dems not been told anything. At least publicly Cons have not either been told by govt - but they have Mr Budd) Despite this Lib Dem produced a costed manifesto of priority pledges and a full manifesto laid our for the next 5/6 years, yet to be costed based on the 'future finances' of course. I read all the manifestos couple weeks ago, for myself and found out about Budd earlier this year. Anyway was still undecided until i saw LibDem on 1st debate and knowing what i knew - & nick cleggs gr8 debut, i decided that only Libdem can sort it out. they have vince cable and john thurso - both excellent experts to deal with ec. & bus., without sorting that out no party can deliver any of their pledges whether costed/declared or not.
I have utterly no confidence in either of the other 2 to do anything other muck up the country at a time when we need clear leadership and sound judgement. By dint of both their actions, words and deeds over last 5 years neither brown or cameron can be trusted - i believe.
Finally - that although libdem had a 36/37billion, black hole by necessity of the financial situation we are in - yesterday IFS said that they had the most credibitable figures and their figs do add up.
i'm frustrated that this is not being adequately reflected on the news etc. totally frustrated by the election coverage as all parties & policies have not been given scrutiny on the issues that we in the country are worried about. As i am housebound am able to watch the speech that nick clegg gave to RGN, he was universally appluaded the audience actually hung on his every word and responded to his policies very positvely - he had a standing ovation at end. To me the policies seems sensible but then i'm not a nurse - all i know is they thought libdem policies made sense. When they voxpopped nurses leavin, on the hoof 1 nurse stopped said " i have been a labour supporter since age 16 and worked in nhs for last 15 years. nicks policies if he is allowed to implement them would make the nhs a better service. But that was not at all the impression all the news services put forward last night i actually despair of what is going to happen to us and our country if we don't get the right team in to lead our country. i have so much confidence in them that i have this week joined the party and made a donation of £40 even tho i only get £100 sick benefits pw. because i know that desperately underfunded, they had couple of % to spend on electionering of conservaties have - just terrible. many thanks - sorry for the rant and typing!! ,iss lorraine ash, nuneaton

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