Thanks for reading me... pan down past the funnies excessive as election special!!! "...I'm one small person from a small family...inside a majority of millions...screaming out for equality


Murdoch boasts that he can get any party elected and that he has done so in his own country and in ours, tell him to sod off our democracy is no longer for sale

Monday 26 April 2010

Vote Nick ....get Vince

Vote Nick get Clegg. Words of Ken Clarke on Campaign Hardtalk with Andrew Neil BBC last night "We are facing the biggest financial crisis the country has seen in generations" ..and on why he is not the Conservative choice for chancellor "...i i i think George Osborne will make a fine Conservative Chancellor" Labour & Conservatives want to put lawyers in charge LibDem want to pu a financial expert in charge - howverydare they? Hoist by your own petard anyone? I think Ken Clarke who is as cuddly as Churchill ...oooh yes. I rather like him, but in govt the accceptable face of Conervatism did some good of course everyone in office does so even if they receive little or no credit at the time nor in history terms. But some of the policies & choices he made in office by dint of PM /back bench /press pressures, dogma or personal opinion were not acceptable to me. The Conservative party in power as in oppostion were far too susceptible to outside or indeed internal pressures which threatened to take away their shaky grip on power. I remember all of the last Conservative govts - I grew up during the 80'a govts, started voting under the last 2 terms. I don't want to see any of Ken Clarkes new young inexperienced Pals get into office. We don't know where these young Chaps would take our country Oooh.....NOoo!! I am a similar age as these chaps from way over the other side of the tracks. I've seen 1 of them before 1992 Black Wednesday Have a look back thru anals of history - he's there Yep that right Mr Dave Cameron come on down LibDem think differently, the change they have in mind is real, sustainable, Fair and good for all of us in this country. I am Not a political activist... i am not a number...i am a free thinker...i am Spartacus! But i am an ordinary voter.. who has been activated by the election-sneering that the media minching machine & our culture of Yah Boo politics has turned the 'white noise' of the election campaign into a trivial imitation of Britains got Political Talent and BGT is very trivial itself.. we all that although we shouldn't!! But Our next govt is not entertainment even if you the chattering classess consider it so. We the people are taking this all very seriously. I just wish the media minching machine would too. LibDems - how dare they - They wish to put a financial expert who was warning of the iniquities of our financial system for several years before (receiving universal derision from Labservatives always) Vince Cable who warned of & predicted the financial crash. No one of course could have forseen the depth of the crisis just as no-one could have forseen the depth of the stupity of the trans-atlantic & home grown City Bwankers who of course don't vote LibDem and barely Labour. So whose friends was it that brought the crisis? And now facing election defeat whose friends may be helping them to spread scare stories and myths and untruths about the people 'daring to choose anyone other than them in this next election. Whose friends don't want You to think about the choice for chancellor in this election. I think "lawyers have got no place in financial management. I agree with Nick that Vince is the best choice for the job of Chancellor and Wow what a good egg Vince is too

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