Thanks for reading me... pan down past the funnies excessive as election special!!! "...I'm one small person from a small family...inside a majority of millions...screaming out for equality


Murdoch boasts that he can get any party elected and that he has done so in his own country and in ours, tell him to sod off our democracy is no longer for sale

Thursday 29 April 2010

twitpic mini blogs n photos from 3 days ago



Oh Mr Cameron if only he was really that funny - oh how we would all laugh..... unfortunately this is the future of our country and its not entertainment so stop spending ridiculous amounts of money making satirical political ads. You weren't funny - callmeDave & gorgeous george show some self awareness don't extend yourself beyond your capabilities -leave the satire to the satirists they do it better than you.


He was in the govt before you know, he was a minister deeply involved in the debacle that was Black Wednesday September 15 1992- wiki wiki wa wa


Nick Clegg wants to be Pm in his own govt. How dare Labservaties say he is has over-reached himself and how dare he want to make this country a better democratic country. How dare they think they can carve up power between them ping pong back & forth. Nick Clegg is not a messiah, not a gold boy or whatever the media mincing machine tells you. He is one man... from a small family.. putting forward views... of hope for democracy





Andy Marr asked him and he gave a direct answer given the apparent outcome of polls - we all know how right they've been as an indicator of election outcomes - Yep that’s right - the polls have been wrong- so why do we put so much emphasis on them? Don't let the party machine spin the news again about hung parliaments & coalition govt. This is just the death throws of the Labservatives.

Andy asked Nick a direct question about the polls showing a 3 ways split (taken 2 weeks before an election -didn't 'they' used to say a week is a long time in politics? how far can we go in 2 then?) and Nick gave him a direct answer – That’s refreshing coming from a politician! Perhaps he's a politician we can believe in?

Trust him, Nick don't want to prop up anyone, he wants you to vote for real change. Vote LibDem




Mr Brown goes to La La Land, on C4 news he just said that our pensions are safe in his hands. FACT In his first govt term he did more to damage our pensions than any chancellor ever past present (hope not) future. Lets not give him the chance to do it again. When You decide who to vote for May 6 consider this - One View Press - which snuffs out any other opinion so that You cannot make an informed choice for yourself. This press which has an agenda all of its own. - Two Party Politics - which has conspired to keep any chances of any other political views from being heard by the public. They did & will keep on doing this - if they can. Simply because they knew they'd be screwed and could no longer divide up power 'pass the parcel' at the behest of their own paymasters. Last years scandals in govt were a watershed for the people - we haven't forgotten even if they try to. We need change that can be delivered for the benefit of all of us, not policies that will change things in favour of the few - Three Terms in which to Act - the govt of Labour have had 13 years to make this country fairer and and whatever else their platitudes are today. But the people there now, who want your vote were all there for years, so why didn't they do it when they had the chance? Because they were too busy doing other things. Now they want You to give them another chance to get it right this time - don't make me laugh. It's so serious, Laugh? I almost cried. - Go - to the polling station on May 6, tell everyone that you know this time they must vote. Whatever it is that they believe. This time their voice can be heard for the first time. But only If You really want our political system to change - then you have to vote and to vote LibDem

3 days ago from si

Jan Moir, sorry the bile is rising again. I left a message at 5am this morning, just checked to see whether its been put on as a comment to the article but then they get 1000's everyday and can't put them all - could that be the only reason? Decide for yourself A here's copy i kept for my blog for your pleasure i trust Sunday, 25 April 2010 Choking on bile' from Nuneaton, Uk, posted in Daily Mail in response to Jan Moir rant Link to the page is below I don't know if they screen out some posts as I've never left a message for the Daily Fail. I shall be pleasantly surprised if my comment appears, so i've popped my thoughts here in me little blog for posterity. I can feel the bile settling down, I might actually go off and try to get some sleep - I'm now sleeplesss in Nuneaton... Well on the basis of the contempt universally slung here (steaming 'mud pie' anyone?) looks as if Jan Moir is coming out for none the above. Will that be Green, UkIP, English Dem, BNP are U indicating a Daily Mail change? Or was something in particular bringing up the bile today - can't imagine my dear. But I tell you what is bringing up My Bile Daily - how 'You' the chattering classes, media militia, general glitterati, politicos who wield the power over those in public life like a gun to the temple (i'm as p..d off with em as the next) Its the audacity of 'You' to accuse the gen pub or those eg, on twitter, who actually have souls, ethics, convictions & want to 2 do something - Us - of reducing this election to Brit Got Political Talent when infact its coverage like the scurrilous & pointless guff above & many others 'Wot does this' 'You' know who U are. Y don't U get real, stop saying We are the ones trivialising the election when in fact its cynical 'You' & U love it that way. Read more:


3 days ago from site  

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