Thanks for reading me... pan down past the funnies excessive as election special!!! "...I'm one small person from a small family...inside a majority of millions...screaming out for equality


Murdoch boasts that he can get any party elected and that he has done so in his own country and in ours, tell him to sod off our democracy is no longer for sale

Thursday 29 April 2010

twitpic mini blogs n photos from 3 days ago



Oh Mr Cameron if only he was really that funny - oh how we would all laugh..... unfortunately this is the future of our country and its not entertainment so stop spending ridiculous amounts of money making satirical political ads. You weren't funny - callmeDave & gorgeous george show some self awareness don't extend yourself beyond your capabilities -leave the satire to the satirists they do it better than you.


He was in the govt before you know, he was a minister deeply involved in the debacle that was Black Wednesday September 15 1992- wiki wiki wa wa


Nick Clegg wants to be Pm in his own govt. How dare Labservaties say he is has over-reached himself and how dare he want to make this country a better democratic country. How dare they think they can carve up power between them ping pong back & forth. Nick Clegg is not a messiah, not a gold boy or whatever the media mincing machine tells you. He is one man... from a small family.. putting forward views... of hope for democracy





Andy Marr asked him and he gave a direct answer given the apparent outcome of polls - we all know how right they've been as an indicator of election outcomes - Yep that’s right - the polls have been wrong- so why do we put so much emphasis on them? Don't let the party machine spin the news again about hung parliaments & coalition govt. This is just the death throws of the Labservatives.

Andy asked Nick a direct question about the polls showing a 3 ways split (taken 2 weeks before an election -didn't 'they' used to say a week is a long time in politics? how far can we go in 2 then?) and Nick gave him a direct answer – That’s refreshing coming from a politician! Perhaps he's a politician we can believe in?

Trust him, Nick don't want to prop up anyone, he wants you to vote for real change. Vote LibDem




Mr Brown goes to La La Land, on C4 news he just said that our pensions are safe in his hands. FACT In his first govt term he did more to damage our pensions than any chancellor ever past present (hope not) future. Lets not give him the chance to do it again. When You decide who to vote for May 6 consider this - One View Press - which snuffs out any other opinion so that You cannot make an informed choice for yourself. This press which has an agenda all of its own. - Two Party Politics - which has conspired to keep any chances of any other political views from being heard by the public. They did & will keep on doing this - if they can. Simply because they knew they'd be screwed and could no longer divide up power 'pass the parcel' at the behest of their own paymasters. Last years scandals in govt were a watershed for the people - we haven't forgotten even if they try to. We need change that can be delivered for the benefit of all of us, not policies that will change things in favour of the few - Three Terms in which to Act - the govt of Labour have had 13 years to make this country fairer and and whatever else their platitudes are today. But the people there now, who want your vote were all there for years, so why didn't they do it when they had the chance? Because they were too busy doing other things. Now they want You to give them another chance to get it right this time - don't make me laugh. It's so serious, Laugh? I almost cried. - Go - to the polling station on May 6, tell everyone that you know this time they must vote. Whatever it is that they believe. This time their voice can be heard for the first time. But only If You really want our political system to change - then you have to vote and to vote LibDem

3 days ago from si

Jan Moir, sorry the bile is rising again. I left a message at 5am this morning, just checked to see whether its been put on as a comment to the article but then they get 1000's everyday and can't put them all - could that be the only reason? Decide for yourself A here's copy i kept for my blog for your pleasure i trust Sunday, 25 April 2010 Choking on bile' from Nuneaton, Uk, posted in Daily Mail in response to Jan Moir rant Link to the page is below I don't know if they screen out some posts as I've never left a message for the Daily Fail. I shall be pleasantly surprised if my comment appears, so i've popped my thoughts here in me little blog for posterity. I can feel the bile settling down, I might actually go off and try to get some sleep - I'm now sleeplesss in Nuneaton... Well on the basis of the contempt universally slung here (steaming 'mud pie' anyone?) looks as if Jan Moir is coming out for none the above. Will that be Green, UkIP, English Dem, BNP are U indicating a Daily Mail change? Or was something in particular bringing up the bile today - can't imagine my dear. But I tell you what is bringing up My Bile Daily - how 'You' the chattering classes, media militia, general glitterati, politicos who wield the power over those in public life like a gun to the temple (i'm as p..d off with em as the next) Its the audacity of 'You' to accuse the gen pub or those eg, on twitter, who actually have souls, ethics, convictions & want to 2 do something - Us - of reducing this election to Brit Got Political Talent when infact its coverage like the scurrilous & pointless guff above & many others 'Wot does this' 'You' know who U are. Y don't U get real, stop saying We are the ones trivialising the election when in fact its cynical 'You' & U love it that way. Read more:


3 days ago from site  

Democracy not DemonCRAZY

David Cameron's FIRST of many mistakes was Not To select Kenneth Clarke as his choice for Chancellor in the next govt. Or any other similar to Mr Clarke somewhat of a financial expert you know. Instead he'd like his Friend from university Mr Osborne a lawyer to take care of it. Even the paper who supports his party vocifuriously wants Ken 'as they put in 1 of their daily polls asking who their public readers would like for Chancellor' Unfortunately for them Ken is not on offer !

CallmeDave Camerwrong His biggest & probably more telling mistake was to agree to take part in 'The TV Election Debates' A disasterous political miscalculation - that is at the root of all his screaming from the election bus "don't vote for us & it will be a disaster because of... this or that... which has became the rallying call of his campaign now. Tory thru & thru always has something or someone else to blame for the disaster afflicting them.

The Real Disaster for Him & the Conservative party. The free 3 party discussion of 'The election Debates' allowed for the first time Ever the opportunity for the wider general public to be exposed to the genuine alternative choice of Nick Clegg, Vince Cable et al of the Liberal Democrats What was he thinking...perhaps... he wasn't an affliction which appears to dog him through-tout this election process. Or was He over confident... arrogant even... certainly believing his own hype...& propaganda put out by his friendly media... thought the public too stupid to see thru his thinly disguised veneer?

Maybe he'd done a deal which He thought bought him the keys to No10? The decision is Yours...Why do you think he did it? But more importantly what should we make of these decisions? What do they tell us about the Man himself? For me it shows he lacks the good, sound, clear judgement needed for high office. If under a govt i had not voted for, I would still want to know that they would do good in office as whomever is in power, whether u support them or not, they do govern and affect Your life in very dramatic ways.

In times past perhaps a person might have said to me I'd rather have Dave look what Gordon has done to us, or of another political bent they might have said I'd rather have Gordon Gawd help us what would Dave do to us. Today a new day has arrived, we can really say "I elect none of the above". We have a real a choice emerging from the smoke & mirrors of election-sneering. Liberal Democrats should form the next government on their own on a platform for real change The only people obsessed by getting a hung parliament and/or coalition government are the Labservatives and their screaming friends alike in the media mincing machine.

Don't let them steal your vote. We need Democracy in this country Not DemoCRAZY. Which will mean everyone to have a free fair vote in which every vote carries the same value as every other. In which everyone’s voice whichever colour has a chance to be heard, considered, rejected or agreed with - for ever, for all time. At least in the future if we have a criticism of our govt of the time, we may actually be commenting on issues that matter to us the people & our daily lives rather than the media merry-go-round which serves only to put undue power into the hands of friends who could have gone to school with the very people in govt they are propping up or slagging off.

Its all old school Tie, don't listen to smear and innuendo - its all part of the scandal that wishes to Continue to steal our Democracy, Our Choice, Our voice as a people. We the people stand up for those being bullied, we stand up for the right ideals of being a decent human being in a mad bad world. Why when it comes to our politics do we let them do this to us? If You want change on May 6 you are going to have to act positively. You want change then you are going to have to vote for it not just support it from the comfort of your own nest. My friends We are certainly living in interesting times! Vote for Nick Clegg... Vote For Vince Cable... Vote for their other clever & interesting friends you haven't yet heard of... Vote for their practical, sensible, relevant, sustainable & so very much needed policies Vote Lib Dem on May 6 you know it makes sense

Wednesday 28 April 2010

A letter to Tracy

Hi Tracy
Here's my blog address below as discussed
Wow to think aged 39 and joining the net revolution, you may have heard about the amber revolution (i haven't just joined that I've been a part of that for 20 years!).

Please have a look at my blog and let me know what u think, also i won't be spamming all the stuff I'm getting at the moment but just let me know if you want forwards by email etc iIll be happy to oblige.
I'm on twitter now, signed up from my pc great!! ....jimmibabe... why not follow me yourself from your pc completely free of charge etc - In addition to my own stuff i am retweeting great stuff from other folks, mostly extremely funny, pithy, exciting stuff.  Do you know i would not be doing all this if the tory attack dogs had not been set on nick clegg and the libdems last week which they only did because they are cacking themselves!

"In 2005 1 in 4 people voted Lib Dem they got 62 seats (their most ever) and if in 2010 1 in 3 voted for them they would have a massive majority govt, that is how crazy our system is its completely unrepresentative, Robert Mugabe would be proud”

I believe that every persons vote in this country should count the same as anyone else's  in 2005 it took 27.000 votes to elect a labour mp, 37,000 to elect Conservative mp and 96,000 votes to elect a Lib Dem MP. That's democracy in the uk. 

A vote should be given freely on May 6, in an open free election fight, where media moguls, big business or any other special interest groups are not able to apply undue pressure or express bias, that your vote isn't scare-mongered from you, or blackmailed or cajoled, or conned by gerrymandered polls fixed by friends of particular parties. Mostly we don't even know its happening to us, its cleverly done for that purpose. All true and the evidence is right there on the net You tube, face book, twitter and other places, not to mention direct on all the newspaper sites and blogs. But also think back yourself to the experience of tories last in govt and back to what the last 13 years have been, your own experience will inform you

”First week of the election campaign the funds given £1.5 million to Conservative, £750,00 to labour and £20k to Lib Dems.

Lib Dem votes in 2005 were just a couple of million less than the other 2 parties yet Lib dems had a fraction of the seats. Labour and Conservatives get money from their backers who expect something in return.

Whereas Lib Dems are a party of people with none of the bully boy backers and yet Lib Dems are still beating them even though they are throwing everything at them.

“After the first leaders debate a poll was taken: 49% of people said they WOULD vote Lib Dem if they thought Lib Dems could win.”

The blanket coverage (Murdoch owned or controlled Sky, Telegraph, The Mail, The sun, News of the world, Sunday Mail, The express, Fox news) that is given to whichever of the big old parties is chosen by The One Man who isn't a British citizen, doesn't pay tax here, has billions in the bank and will not be affected by the policies of the govt elected. He only cares which party will deliver him what he wants - to break up the bbc, get rid of ofcom so that he can say what he wants about who he wants with impunity and for other reasons he wants Dave Cam in.
You as a citizen of this country, should vote and concern yourself with these thoughts…… Know who you are voting for and why. Considering: which govt would be right for yourself, your job, family, friends, community and country. And as I'm a Lib Dem I accept it if you don't vote like me just so long as it is an entirely free election and a level playing field. It hasn't been for so long and that has  been pretty much hidden from the wider public.

The Independent newspaper has been attacked physically by James Murdoch assaulting the editor by storming their office in person last Wednesday and threatening the paper with the power of Murdoch evil empire for daring to say "Murdoch won't decide who runs the next govt - You will" in 1 of its adverts in its own paper. How dare they !
Don't believe the propaganda, go find out for yourself, only couple of minutes or so will convince you to vote for whomever you want. Don't just don't vote the same way because that's how you vote, there has to be a better reason than that.

Albert Einstein Insanity is: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

I'm fed up and want change, real change not the same old story but with a different colour tag on it. I was extremely happy and hopeful when labour got in 1997 as the Tory govt had been so atrocious throughout my childhood, I'm a Thatcher child and I don't want any of your kids to grow up with that again. Labour have dismayed me and I have no confidence in them in future. That is why I'm so certain that Lib Dem really are what we need in this country vote nick clegg get vince cable, vote Call Me Dave Cameron and you get Murdoch. Oh god we do not need that disaster.  Sorry its been so long…. `my email' and that for too long our elections are all but fixed - its just that my blood is absolutely boiling!

Conspiracy is a two nag lollop

[comment left on the Indy website, a bit long so may not be displayed -copied here for my posterity!]

I am no financial expert, just ordinary Jo Blogs. But, I'm intelligent enough to understand when a complicated economic issue/s explained coherently. I even understood what the trans-Atlantic sub prime bubble & CDO's  and why it caused our world wide crisis - because it was explained well. I informed myself, which requires less idleness and more interest & engagement in what our govt & prospective govts are telling us.
I find Vince Cable and John Thurso a breath of fresh air, whatever the merits of their policies they explain them well and they certainly seem well thought out. I am confident in them stewarding our economy thru very stormy weathers ahead.
MY POINT I really wish to  make here is - if there is a conspiracy of silence on the state of our fiscal situation then 'that' is most definitely a 'two nag lollop', even if the election has become genuine 3 party battle-royal. Alan Budd I seem to remember (hope that's factual) certainly a financial adviser worked for browns govt until late last year before decamping to conservatives where he prepared a full report for them akin to what the govt had presumably- we don't know. When asked Cameron would not make it public. So these 2 party’s who have the full information before them - the whole horror of situation and where the cuts will need to come from or indeed where are the choices for cuts to be made. It is Labour and Conservative who have kept it from us the public. Their manifestos roundly condemned by IFS. The party who was given no such help and with no deep pocketed backers to buy them the influence, they had 2 put their own fiscal policy & analysis together from the sketchy financial info that’s allowed to escape from the brown apparatchik and other usual sources- apparently doing rather well. It is they Lib Dems who put in a costed priority manifesto - IFS said it added up - and in analysing all the parties manifesto proposals, Its Vince ahead, Darling following behind and Osborne languishing some £20billion behind Vince. The IFS chap said they are the best of a bad bunch - rather swingeing itself!
In addition 'rope a dope Gordon' who likes to show You one hand whilst hiding his real actions in t'other  decided not 2 have a spending review B4 an election. Criminal I believe.
I'm also a bit of a housebound geek who dips in and out of -parliament etc, I have a long memory - I do remember Vince taking the govt/ opposition to task on the iniquities of our system at that time and to what it could lead to, and the universal derision he met from them. I remember even if 'Labservative' as they've called online in chat & tweets, have deleted cassandra warnings from their collective memory banks.
No one could have known the depth of the financial crisis to come. Just as no one could have known the depth of the criminal stupidity of the trans-atlantic bwankers. I know Vince was not missing in action then, unlike the other two. I don't trust the other two, I’ve seen how they run the govt & opposition scrutiny of govt and i didn't like what i saw. Over successive govt’s they've mucked up our country between them.
I trust team Liberal Democrats and for that reason I joined the party last week, sending them what little money I could afford towards their remaining campaign. I hope that they are returned as a majority govt. Then we will get to see what mature (grown up) modern, progressive, enlightened and equal governance looks like. I wonder whether some of the 'steaming mud' slinging which has characterised the frankly shameful election campaigns of Labservative will stick to libdems and truly deliver a hung parliament - sadly. I say shameful in view of especially the financial crises of last few years the expenses scandal last year and the frankly epic economic black hole into which the country is being sucked. I wonder why any of them want to win - clearly power has an attraction all of its own despite the circumstances.

Letter to sent in frustration to This Morning explaining why I’m voting Lib Dem



Via twitter

@itvthismorning Dear Phil n Holly, big fan, as home by necesity of long term illneess. I just needed to get something off my chest and i hope you don't mind me telling you, I've included a little pic which really did make me smile, something i think we could all do with at the moment
I Don't know if you'll be discussing the financial situation today as per todays papers election etc - , i couldn't see on your twitter feed. Too shy to call. I'm daily at home digesting the election fever all day long - However just wanted to make a point Both Labour and Conservatives have had the benefit of alan Budd, he told govt where future cuts will come from. Before he decamped to conservatives preparing a report for them. They both know the full fiscal picture and where the future cuts will be but they will not make it public or even hint. Most dishonest I feel. mr Brown could have called a spending review b4 election but no, slight of hand he has shown often in the past regarding budget etc. they both seeking to dissemble - a new word i found yesterday which sums it right up
Poor old Lib Dems not been told anything. At least publicly Cons have not either been told by govt - but they have Mr Budd) Despite this Lib Dem produced a costed manifesto of priority pledges and a full manifesto laid our for the next 5/6 years, yet to be costed based on the 'future finances' of course. I read all the manifestos couple weeks ago, for myself and found out about Budd earlier this year. Anyway was still undecided until i saw LibDem on 1st debate and knowing what i knew - & nick cleggs gr8 debut, i decided that only Libdem can sort it out. they have vince cable and john thurso - both excellent experts to deal with ec. & bus., without sorting that out no party can deliver any of their pledges whether costed/declared or not.
I have utterly no confidence in either of the other 2 to do anything other muck up the country at a time when we need clear leadership and sound judgement. By dint of both their actions, words and deeds over last 5 years neither brown or cameron can be trusted - i believe.
Finally - that although libdem had a 36/37billion, black hole by necessity of the financial situation we are in - yesterday IFS said that they had the most credibitable figures and their figs do add up.
i'm frustrated that this is not being adequately reflected on the news etc. totally frustrated by the election coverage as all parties & policies have not been given scrutiny on the issues that we in the country are worried about. As i am housebound am able to watch the speech that nick clegg gave to RGN, he was universally appluaded the audience actually hung on his every word and responded to his policies very positvely - he had a standing ovation at end. To me the policies seems sensible but then i'm not a nurse - all i know is they thought libdem policies made sense. When they voxpopped nurses leavin, on the hoof 1 nurse stopped said " i have been a labour supporter since age 16 and worked in nhs for last 15 years. nicks policies if he is allowed to implement them would make the nhs a better service. But that was not at all the impression all the news services put forward last night i actually despair of what is going to happen to us and our country if we don't get the right team in to lead our country. i have so much confidence in them that i have this week joined the party and made a donation of £40 even tho i only get £100 sick benefits pw. because i know that desperately underfunded, they had couple of % to spend on electionering of conservaties have - just terrible. many thanks - sorry for the rant and typing!! ,iss lorraine ash, nuneaton

Put your Money where Your mouth is! No longer I but We

tweeted this one on twitpics - get you..I’m now a fully paid up member of the electric revolution - #leadersdebate #ge2010 #vote #ukeletion #cleggmania

Put your money where your mouth is, means business. Not a soft vote, this is real change.

I joined and paid a donation as much as i could afford. Got my card yesterday, this pic courtesy of a pal (thanx) as my phone failed to load my jpg (or tool owner passing blame) On reverse of card very interesting preamble to the constitution of the party..

"The Liberal Democrats exist to build and safeguard a fair, free and open society, in which we seek to balance the fundamental values of liberty, equality and community in which no-one shall be enslaved by poverty, ignorance or conformity"

“…salus populi suprema lex esto”  Cicero

(let the welfare of the people be the final law)


No wonder the Political ping pong pass the parcel Parties  sought to keep LibDem unknown to public at large - 'They got nothing' they’re toast. Complacency is not a town we're going to in this election campaign. Dig 4 Victory!

Wednesday Mornin' gorgeous sunny- again – could it be Nick Cleggs fault?

Been a real twitter maniac since i joined 7 days ago as a response to the commencement of hostilities in the war for our souls i was going to say but its more shallow than that. “Just give us yer f*****g votes” appears to be the gist of it.The war being marshalled by Rupert Murdoch’s Newscorp & the LibDem & Nick Clegg. I’m still bloody raging – they went a bit quiet for a day or so but they’ve redoubled today. The Daily Mail really is a scurrilous rag.

Anyway since last Thursday I’ve had so many viruses and hacking on my pc & accounts in last few days, stuff being removed rearranged, crashing etc - just a real pain & unlucky? only started after I left a great number of satirical & rude posts anti Tory n Murdoch- but that’s a bit paranoid? anyway i bought a new super duper upgrade – just pissed off really, the amount of info lost during these attacks have been especially galling for me as it takes such a long time to write & compose due to my illness. But what i do have is lot of time and cleggmania to watch. Being wrapped up in election fever I didn’t want anymore time or for that matter have any more nosey parkers rifling thru me knickers etc!

I haven’t really gone into policy here because there are some great sites with all the info you need (if anyone else is reading this - that is!) I just wanted to express my feelings about why we need a Lib Dem majority govt and of course my musings and expressions of frustration or dismay about everything election fevery. Given The Fail Daily onslaught today i do hope the Lib Dem rip CONnservatives limb from limb next week, for they deserve it. It’s all being orchestrated from Tory boy HQ & its scurrilous quote of the day

“odi profanum vulgus et arceo” ..Horace (I loathe and shun the profane rabble!)s320x240

Oh well we’ll have the last laugh – even sky yesterday agrees !

Tuesday 27 April 2010

Mr T the business Man for libdem govt stikes a knock out punch in a quiet LibDem way, of course!

Mr T to bring back good sense for business & commerce #ge2010 #leadersdebate #ukelection #vote This man is called John Thurso he speaks great sense on behalf of the LibDems. Thought pic would help others id him too !He was on BBC2 A O'neil show. Mr T as I'm now calling him, kicked the ass out of Mandie and Ken Clarke & he even held his own against peston & O'neil, not many MP could say that - particularly in these special debates where most have been left wanting. Mr T talked the kind of sense i've not heard in this country for 30 years. Yet another light appearing from under the bushell of enlightened thought!
Time for a change....oooh yes, you should check out ken clarkes comments on this show it illustrates the fissure running right thru cons that they slapped a sticking plaster over years ago. Spl;its now bubbling up - who's got control of them their right or left wing U decide. As for Labour Mandie squirmed, what a dissembler -they are a busted flush. Mandie basically said " yes but.. no but.. yes but....we know we did wrong, we now know what we did wrong, we aint that sorry, we want you to give us another 5 years to fail to doit right" LOL

Monday 26 April 2010

The xtent of the power of Ashcroft & Murdoch et al on any future Tory govt that got BBC to back down over documentary

In response to blog Don't get fooled again about - Indy 19/03/10 Blog reporting how the BBC shelved a documentary on Lord Ashcroft murky matters - the multi million £cash backer of the conservatives - threatened legal and other action the BBC caved-in grovelling to Tory paymaster in their desperate attempt at mercy plea! On 23rd april 'Pickled' tried to say they've never interfered with our free n vigorous press (Tory lies damm lies yet again)

Shame on you BBC - why oh why did U cave in to them. Either Ur journalism wouldn't stand up to legal scrutiny in which case it should not have been considered for airing. What was their real complaint - Ur documentary was it full of gossip & unsubstantiated innuendo intended 2 help Ur pals in the Labour Party? Or if Kosher info Y did U allowed Urself 2 be bullied by a party that looked at the time a shue in for the election?. An attempt at pleas for clemency? Murdochs stated aims 4 BBC well known & public + pocket cameron = Turkeys really do vote 4 Xmas.

It's not the BBC I thought we had, certainly not the BBC I grew up with.
What is going on over there.

I now understand the editorial decisions on your coverage of this election in last few weeks. You were intimidated ahead of murdochs shue in victory, supposedly less U upset him the more mercy he would show U in future?

Shame on U all Its our bloody BBC, Its our country. Its our bloody voice that should be heard. Its also our right to be informed in impartial way by our own broadcasters & about pertinent current affairs & we should expect decent not scurrilous coverage in our print press.

This election has thrown a light upon what has become of all these institutions after the drip drip slippage of standards & ethics by the tacit collusion which has contributed to the creation of Media fascism. I thought some things need sorting in this country- I hadn't realised that the BBC was one of them. One very annoyed BBC licence fee payer with a long long memory...

Alex Massie the Spectator 27/042010

But the Tories' arguments - or at least the ones they are choosing to deploy - suggest that calamity is the inevitable consequence of a hung parliament and/or proportional representation. This, unfortunately, is poppycock.Anexcerpt from the spectator Alex Massie 27/04/2010I'd like David Cameron to be the next Prime Minister but I'd prefer it if he became so without insulting everyone's intelligence along the way.

Tory party conference - don't yawn its funny
Not the nine oclock news- i remember them and so does nick - reminding me of what we could expect in a months time.

Contemtible Mr Camerwrong

Well the smoke and mirros have comeout all guns blazing this last couple of days. ____ Just cast your mind to Thursday night Mr Camerson.... who looked right down the camera in a long lingering shot (sniff earnestly here) then said "No one, No one should be scaring the people in this election (say with righteoius indignation - wait to feel the moment 2 c whether u need to repeat if for effect - excerpt from "Bluffers guide to getting yourself elected PM" written by TBlair)
We all saw U Mr Cameron - I use the Mr reluctantly in politeness to compare my good manners towards him & to stress his bloody contempt he's showing to the british people watching him. Next day as soon as the polls showed he was well and trully stuffed he proceeded to come out with the most outrageous lies damm lies and guff which is going into `the ether' without so much as a challenge by anyone - except of course us.
Well Mr Cameron you show us contempt and maybe we will show U the contempt that You and your contemtible party deserve on May 6(an excerpt from Jo Bloggs diary aged 39 and a little bit.... my diary is not done on daily basis, rather that everytime i see, hear, watch or find some thing on tinertnet which makes me want to scream, wretch with bile or kcick my foot thru my TV screen or pc.i add a little something 'out there' 'the collective karma' as an attemtp to balance it out in some way

Caveat emptor

`The Daily Whats my Line' headlines for tomorrow"Beware this man is travelling the country telling unsuspecting members of the public and those cameras following his every move 'what he thinks they want or need to hear In order to get himself elected" Each day he changes tack, direction and character according to who he thinks he's meeting. Flip flopping as fast as a stranded holidaymakers espadril after an extra 2 days wear it wasn't designed for.Beware buyer of the election-sneering spin it is not free of charge & the costs could be not what you expect!

Thanks Rupert

Jo Blogs diary. I've a lot to be thankful for, the moon, the sunshine, the bounce in my step, the new skills i've acquired in the last 4 days perhaps its all boom.
Since Thursday last I've learnt more about this PC thingy than I have in 5 years surfin. Thanks Rupert, without your intervention in yet another of our general elections I would have been in ignorance of the great things my pc can do & all this twittwoo stuffy. Turned into quite the twittermaniac and for my 4th day anniversary I've learnt how to use twitpic.
Have to say its the only thing i'll ever be thanking rupert for and i don't think i'm alone there either

Daily Fail "Shock Horror When asked a direct question a politician yesterday dared to answer a question directly

Andy Marr asked him and he gave a direct answer given the coutcome of polls (we all know how right they've been as an indicator of election outcomes - Yep thats right - the polls have been wrong- so why do we put so much emphasis on them? Don't let the party machine spin the news again about hung parliaments & coalition govt. This is just the death throws of the Labservativesive Andy asked Nick a direct question about the polls showinga 3 ways split (taken 2 weeks before an election -didn't 'they' used to say a week is a long time in politics? how far can we go in 2 then?) and Nick gave him a direct answer - Thats refreshing coming from a politician! Perhaps he's a policitian we can beleive in? Trust him, Nick don't want to prop up anyone, he wants you to vote for real change. Vote LibDem

Stephen is thinking...about voting LibDem yea

Are U thinking what I'm thinking...some famous people are... Stephen Fry let us all know ..iagreewith stephen....iagree with Nick and i agree with Vince..... that we can't go on like this ....... (extract from the diary of Jo Bloggs, tee hee) ....One View Press... Two Party system that denies us our own democracy & freedoms. Which asks for our opinion once every 4/5 years at their pleasure and then tells us to bugger off all the days in between election night poll closure & the start of the next election campaign. Freedoms and Democracy - that I might add alike many others my relatives esp grandfathers & father served & fought to defend our people and this country from tyranny and facism. Against allowing dark forces to influence our seats of power in whatever guise they come, for there are many. To give us the right to say who governs us and how We expect them to behave in govt should They decide to apply for high office. It should be that if They don't like it and can't take heat from the scrutiny of the people, then get out of the kitchen - every day not just a couple of weeks every 4/5 years THE PEOPLE SHOULD NOT BE AFRAID OF ITS GOVERNMENT, A GOVERNMENT SHOULD BE AFRAID OF THE PEOPLE ... three terms of govt, our system allows our govts to be formed in such a way that they habitually keep power for sometimes 2/3/4 terms before they can be finally ousted even tho they've been deeply disappointing the people they serve for years. You might think i'm talking abou the Labour govt - i am in fact talking about the last tory govenments which for A few years INCLUDED Mr Cameron who was a junior minister. He found the heat of the financial crisis then too much that that he 'checked out' & went to make some money with his pals in the private sector. The financial crisis that thay faced is but a pimple on the face of the one we have now facing us. He checked out then and in the future pressure storn to come he will do so again Both Labservative want to put Lawyers in charge of the crisis - lawyers for christs sake - LibDem have a financial expert propsed for the job but you'll have to vote for him to get him. If u don't vote at all then its a vote for apathy or vote for labservative - either of these are going to 'f..k up' you and yours lives ad infinitum We hear everywhere in the white noise of the election-sneering "There's only one David Cameron..there's only one David Cameron...blah blah blah, whatever particular platitudes and guff I'm peddling today, hello little people hear me roar, haven't I got a lovely smile..." "I wanna get myself elected" He's not shouting so loud about what he did in govt last time around and have you heard anyone bringing him under scrutiny about it? Well No you wouldn't, would U, because its Not in their interests to do this. No I'm not paranoid, I'm factual, i've seen it all before and i'm sick to the back teeth of it. Everything i'm talking about here is the actuality.... i'm not being economical with the truth.... i haven't mis spoke... or whatever term you yourself will have heard in the last 20 years from the very lips of the MPs & govts of Labservative. I can assure you from painful experience that Labservatives they are all alike. The only thing i'm trying to do here is shout above the morass of crap being put out by the £millions funded party machines that have become corrupt. Whats that saying ... Absolute power corrupts absolutely...sumting like that. I remember 1992 major govt they should have lost, but after a vitrolic campaign 'some how' they were returned with such a low majority that the govt could hardly function to get its policies thru. Well 5 yes 5 full years of dangersously bad run govt that was finally routed by a public that had gotten sick & tired of being lied to and taken for granted and for a mug day in day out. 5 years of scandal in public office, of sleaze... sounds all so familiar Labour was leected Mr baliar a wolf in sheeps clothing, a Tory splashed with a bit of changing rooms makover splash of red paint. He hid his real party, zipped the mouths of those dissenters within his own party until they could get elected, even hid totally the most objectionable MP's to the public who would clash with his PR presentation to the electorate 1997. Yes Callme DAve Camerwrong learnt all his nifty tricks from master - i say to You don't beieve the Hype.

Mr Brown will take care of you Pension... no don't laugh thats what he said

Mr Brown goes to La La Land, on C4 news he just said that our pensions are safe in his hands. FACT In his first govt term he did more to damage our pensions than any chancellor ever past present (hope not) future. Lets not give him the chance to do it again. When You decide who to vote for May 6 consider this - One View Press - which snuffs out any other opinion so that You cannot make an informed choice for yourself. This press which has an agenda all of its own. - Two Party Politics - which has conspired to keep any chances of any other political views from being heard by the public. They did & will keep on doing this - if they can. Simply because they knew they'd be screwed and could no longer divide up power 'pass the parcel' at the behest of their own paymasters. Last years scandals in govt were a watershed for the people - we haven't forgotten even if they try to. We need change that can be delivered for the benefit of all of us, not policies that will change things in favour of the few - Three Terms in which to Act - the govt of Labour have had 13 years to make this country fairer and and whatever else their platitudes are today. But the people there now, who want your vote were all there for years, so why didn't they do it when they had the chance? Because they were too busy doing other things. Now they want You to give them another chance to get it right this time - don't make me laugh. It's so serious, Laugh? I almost cried. - Go - to the polling station on May 6, tell everyone that you know this time they must vote. Whatever it is that they believe. This time their voice can be heard for the first time. But only If You really want our political system to change - then you have to vote and to vote LibDem

Vote Nick ....get Vince

Vote Nick get Clegg. Words of Ken Clarke on Campaign Hardtalk with Andrew Neil BBC last night "We are facing the biggest financial crisis the country has seen in generations" ..and on why he is not the Conservative choice for chancellor "...i i i think George Osborne will make a fine Conservative Chancellor" Labour & Conservatives want to put lawyers in charge LibDem want to pu a financial expert in charge - howverydare they? Hoist by your own petard anyone? I think Ken Clarke who is as cuddly as Churchill ...oooh yes. I rather like him, but in govt the accceptable face of Conervatism did some good of course everyone in office does so even if they receive little or no credit at the time nor in history terms. But some of the policies & choices he made in office by dint of PM /back bench /press pressures, dogma or personal opinion were not acceptable to me. The Conservative party in power as in oppostion were far too susceptible to outside or indeed internal pressures which threatened to take away their shaky grip on power. I remember all of the last Conservative govts - I grew up during the 80'a govts, started voting under the last 2 terms. I don't want to see any of Ken Clarkes new young inexperienced Pals get into office. We don't know where these young Chaps would take our country Oooh.....NOoo!! I am a similar age as these chaps from way over the other side of the tracks. I've seen 1 of them before 1992 Black Wednesday Have a look back thru anals of history - he's there Yep that right Mr Dave Cameron come on down LibDem think differently, the change they have in mind is real, sustainable, Fair and good for all of us in this country. I am Not a political activist... i am not a number...i am a free thinker...i am Spartacus! But i am an ordinary voter.. who has been activated by the election-sneering that the media minching machine & our culture of Yah Boo politics has turned the 'white noise' of the election campaign into a trivial imitation of Britains got Political Talent and BGT is very trivial itself.. we all that although we shouldn't!! But Our next govt is not entertainment even if you the chattering classess consider it so. We the people are taking this all very seriously. I just wish the media minching machine would too. LibDems - how dare they - They wish to put a financial expert who was warning of the iniquities of our financial system for several years before (receiving universal derision from Labservatives always) Vince Cable who warned of & predicted the financial crash. No one of course could have forseen the depth of the crisis just as no-one could have forseen the depth of the stupity of the trans-atlantic & home grown City Bwankers who of course don't vote LibDem and barely Labour. So whose friends was it that brought the crisis? And now facing election defeat whose friends may be helping them to spread scare stories and myths and untruths about the people 'daring to choose anyone other than them in this next election. Whose friends don't want You to think about the choice for chancellor in this election. I think "lawyers have got no place in financial management. I agree with Nick that Vince is the best choice for the job of Chancellor and Wow what a good egg Vince is too

Wow they really are out to get Nick... Well maybe the spookypossee is out to them!

WUKP late breaking news now in : "You've heard of Get Carter now its ........Get Nick...... the Conservatives under lovely boy David Cameron began their complain by enlisting the support of veteran actor Michael Caine who appeared in the original film...blah blah blah ad infinitum

Wow they really out to get Nick... Well maybe the #spookyposse is Out to get them!

No one expected the amber armada. Wise words from Mr Gandhi

First they ignore you,
Then they ridicule you.
Then they fight you,
Then you win

Diary of Jo Bloggs aged 39 and a bit, cheesed off, cold, wet, really f...d-oof to paraphrase a rather famous news broadcaster

David Cameron's FIRST of many mistakes was Not To select Kenneth Clarke as his choice for Chancellor in the next govt. Or any other similar to Mr Clarke somewhat of a financial expert you know. Instead he'd like his Friend from university Mr Osborne a lawyer to take care of it. Even the paper who supports his party vocifuriously wants Ken 'as they put in 1 of their daily polls asking who their public readers would like for Chancellor' Unfortunately for them Ken is not on offer ! CallmeDave Camerwrong His biggest & probably more telling mistake was to agree to take part in 'The TV Election Debates' A diasterous political miscalculation - that is at the root of all his screaming from the election bus "don't vote for us & it will be a diasater because of... this or that... which has becaome the rallying call of his campaign now. Tory thru & thru always has something or someone else to blame for the diaster afflicting them. The Real Diaster for Him & the conservative party. The free 3 party discussion of 'The election Debates' allowed for the first time Ever the oppotunity for the wider general public to be exposed to the genuine alternative choice of Nick Clegg, Vince Cable et al of the Liberal Democrats What was he thinking...perhaps... he wasn't an afflication which appears to dog him through-tout this election process. Or was He over confident... arrogant even... certainly believing his own hype...& propaganda put out by his friendly media... thought the public too stupid to see thru his thinly diguised veneer? Maybe he'd done a deal which He thought bought him the keys to No10? The decision is Yours...Why do you think he did it? But more importantly what should we make of these decisions? What do they tell us about the Man himself? For me it shows he lacks the good, sound, clear judgement needed for high office. If under a govt i had not voted for, I would still want to know that they would do good in office as whomever is in power, whether u support them or not, they do govern and affect Your life in very dramatic ways. In times past perhaps a person might have said to me i'd rather have Dave look what Gordon has done to us, or of another political bent they might have said i'd rather have Gordon Gawd help us what would Dave do to us. Today a new day has arrived, we can really say "I elect none of the above". We have a real a choice emerging from the smoke & mirrors of election-sneering Liberal Democrats should form the next government on their own on a platform for real change The only people obsessed by getting a hung parliament and/or coalition govenment are the Labservatives and their screaming friends alike in the media minching machine. Don't let them steal your vote. We need Democracy in this country Not DemoCRAZY. Which will mean everyone to have a free fair vote in which every vote carries the same value as every other. In which everyones voice whichever colour has a chance to be heard, considered rejected or agreed with - for ever, for all time. At least in the future if we have a criticism of our govt of the time, we may actually be commenting on issues that matter to us the people & our daily lives rather than the media merry-goround which serves only to put undue power into the hands of friends who could have gone to school with the very people in govt they are propping up or slagging off. Its all old school Tie, don't listen to smear and innuendo - its all part of the scandal that wishes to Continue to steal our Democracy, Our Choice, Our voice as a people. We the people stand up for those being bullied, we stand up for the right ideals of being a decent human being in a mad bad world. Why when it comes to our politics do we let them do this to us? If You want change on May 6 you are going to have to act positively. You want change then you are going to have to vote for it not just support it from the comfort of your own nest. My friends We are certainly living in interesting times! Vote for Nick Clegg... Vote For Vince Cable... Vote for their other clever & interesting friends you haven't yet heard of... Vote for their practical, sensible, relevant, sustainable & so very much needed policies Vote Lib Dem on May 6 you know it makes sense

Osborne, Darling see me after class

Vote Nick get Clegg. Words of Ken Clarke on Campaign Hardtalk with Andrew Neil BBC last night "We are facing the biggest financial crisis the country has seen in generations" ..and on why he is not the Conservative choice for chancellor "...i i i think George Osborne will make a fine Conservative Chancellor"Labour & Conservatives want to put lawyers in charge LibDem want to pu a financial expert in charge - howverydare they?Hoist by your own petard anyone?I think Ken Clarke who is as cuddly as Churchill ...oooh yes. I rather like him, but in govt the accceptable face of Conervatism did some good of course everyone in office does so even if they receive little or no credit at the time nor in history terms. But some of the policies & choices he made in office by dint of PM /back bench /press pressures, dogma or personal opinion were not acceptable to me. The Conservative party in power as in oppostion were far too susceptible to outside or indeed internal pressures which threatened to take away their shaky grip on power. I remember all of the last Conservative govts - I grew up during the 80'a govts, started voting under the last 2 terms. I don't want to see any of Ken Clarkes new young inexperienced Pals get into office. We don't know where these young Chaps would take our country Oooh.....NOoo!! I am a similar age as these chaps from way over the other side of the tracks. I've seen 1 of them before 1992 Black Wednesday Have a look back thru anals of history - he's there Yep that right Mr Dave Cameron come on downLibDem think differently, the change they have in mind is real, sustainable, Fair and good for all of us in this country. I am Not a political activist... i am not a number...i am a free thinker...i am Spartacus! But i am an ordinary voter.. who has been activated by the election-sneering that the media minching machine & our culture of Yah Boo politics has turned the 'white noise' of the election campaign into a trivial imitation of Britains got Political Talent and BGT is very trivial itself.. we all that although we shouldn't!! But Our next govt is not entertainment even if you the chattering classess consider it so. We the people are taking this all very seriously. I just wish the media minching machine would too.LibDems - how dare they - They wish to put a financial expert who was warning of the iniquities of our financial system for several years before (receiving universal derision from Labservatives always) Vince Cable who warned of & predicted the financial crash. No one of course could have forseen the depth of the crisis just as no-one could have forseen the depth of the stupity of the trans-atlantic & home grown City Bwankers who of course don't vote LibDem and barely Labour. So whose friends was it that brought the crisis? And now facing election defeat whose friends may be helping them to spread scare stories and myths and untruths about the people 'daring to choose anyone other than them in this next election. Whose friends don't want You to think about the choice for chancellor in this election. I think "lawyers have got no place in financial management. I agree with Nick that Vince is the best choice for the job of Chancellor and Wow what a good egg Vince is too.

Sunday 25 April 2010

Choking on bile' from Nuneaton, Uk, posted in Daily Mail in response to Jan Moir rant

Link to the page is below
I don't know if they screen out some posts as I've never left a message for the Daily Fail. I shall be pleasantly surprised if my comment appears, so i've popped my thoughts here in me little blog for posterity.
I can feel the bile settling down, I might actually go off and try to get some sleep - I'm now sleeplesss in Nuneaton...

Well on the basis of the contempt universally slung here (steaming 'mud pie' anyone?) looks as if Jan Moir is coming out for none the above. Will that be Green, UkIP, English Dem, BNP are U indicating a Daily Mail change? Or was something in particular bringing up the bile today - can't imagine my dear. But I tell you what is bringing up My Bile Daily - how 'You' the chattering classes, media militia, general glitterati, politicos who wield the power over those in public life like a gun to the temple (i'm as p..d off with em as the next) Its the audacity of 'You' to accuse the gen pub or those eg, on twitter, who actually have souls, ethics, convictions & want to 2 do something - Us - of reducing this election to Brit Got Political Talent when infact its coverage like the scurrilous & pointless guff above & many others 'Wot does this' 'You' know who U are. Y don't U get real, stop saying We are the ones trivialising the election when in fact its cynical 'You' & U love it that way.

Read more:

David Cameron makes plans for life after at RADA already served an internship with conservative party

This man should have been an actor here's his perfect rendition of Tony Blair (as opposed to Tony Blairs imperfect renditions of uk citizens)

Realises that it isn't working anymore now doing a perfect impression of Nick Clegg and even stealing some of his policies. What a chameleon - David Cameron U don't know who your getting cause he doesn't what you to. Sadly people of the nation see the darkness and emptiness behind his eyes at every public outing. Oh dear #spookyposse
Mock the week oh bliss
Camerons Eye for the media

Why You should vote Lib Dem

On MAY 6th 2010 People in the UK will have the chance to, not only make a real statement of power, but also change the voting system & the UK for the better!

BEFORE I STATE SOME OF THE KEY LIB DEM POINTS I WOULD LIKE EVERYONE TO READ THIS SMALL BIT OF INFO:The Lib Dems, are the ONLY main party that are in favour of Proportional Representative Voting, This is the ONLY way small partiessuch as the Green party, Plaid Cymru & other such small parties... I urge you, If you are a TRUE supporter of 1 of these small parties, it is in your BEST INTEREST to vote Lib Dem in the upcoming elections.Key Policy Points include:

-ECONOMY -* Breaking up the banks and getting them lending again* Introducing a Banking Levy so that banks pay for the financial support they have received* Setting a £400 pay rise cap for all public sector workers* Restoring the link between the basic state pension and earnings

- HEALTH -* Prioritising illness prevention* Giving every patient the right to register with the GP they choose* Cutting the size of the Department of Health by half* Providing guaranteed respite care for the one million carers who work the youngest hours* Prioritise dementia research* Improving access to counselling for people with mental health issues* Reforming payments to GPs

- EDUCATION -* Cutting class sizes to ensure children get the individual attention they need* Scrapping university tuition fees during first degrees* Investing £2.5 billions in schools, targeted to help struggling pupils* Axing the National Curriculum and replacing it with a slimmed-down 'Minimum Curriculum Entitlement'* Scale back Key State 2 tests for 11-year-olds* Creating a General Diploma to brings GCSEs, A-levels and vocational qualifications together* Reforming league tables* Guaranteeing Special Educational Needs (SEN) statements for all five-year-olds* Giving schools the freedom to make the right choices for their pupils* Improving teacher training by increasing the size of the both the Graduate Teacher Programme and Teach First* Setting aside money for schools to increase the energy efficiency of their buildings- TAX -* Raising the threshold at which people start paying income tax to £10,000* Freeing 3.6 million low earners and pensions from income tax completely* Restricting Tax Credits* Restoring the link between the basic state pension and earnings* Introducing a Mansion Tax for properties worth over £2 million* Giving tax relief on pensions only at the basic rate* Taxing capital gains at the same rates as income* Replacing Air Passenger Duty with a per-plane duty* Closing loopholes that unfairly benefit the wealthy and polluters* Reforming local taxation, including looking into scrapping the Council Tax

- EUROPE -* Working with Britain's European neighbours to create thousands of new jobs* Working through the EU for stricter international regulation of financial services and banking* Keeping pressure on for reform of agricultural subsidies* Campaigning for continuing reform of the EU budget* Making the EU use its collective weight effectively in other areas of foreign policy* Pushing for a co-ordinated EU-wide asylum system* Promoting the transition to a low-carbon economy in Europe* Boosting investment in clean energy by reforming the EU emissions trading scheme* Working for the adoption of 'quick win' measures such as reducing the use of HFCs

- DEFENCE -* Cancelling Euro-fighter Tranche 3b* Holding an immediate Strategic Security and Defence Review* Ruling out the like-for-like replacement of Trident nuclear weapons system - planning to save £100bn* Giving a pay rise to the lower ranks to bring them in link with other emergency services* Doubling the rate of modernisation of forces' family homes* Reducing the numbers of MoD staff and top brass officers* Military action against Iran ruled out categorically

- ENVIRONMENT - * Insulating all homes to a good standard within 10 years* Setting a target for 40 per cent of electricity will come from renewable sources by 2020 rising to 100 per cent by 2050* Investing up to £400 million in refurbishing shipyards so they can manufacture offshore wind turbines* Transforming electricity networks* Launching a one-year Eco Cash-Back scheme* Setting aside money for schools that want to improve the energy efficiency of their buildings* Investing £140 million in a bus scrappage scheme to replace old, polluting buses* Blocking any new coal-fired power stations* Rejecting a new generation of nuclear power stations

- FOREIGN -* Increasing the UK's aid budget to reach the UN target of 0.7pc of GNI by 2013* Holding the G8 to its Glen-eagles pledges on aid, including the 0.7pc target* Working with other countries to establish new sources of development financing* Supporting reform of global financial institutions such as the World Bank and IMF* Supporting a global fund for social protection to help developing countries build viable welfare systems* Pushing for a renewed international effort on debt* Supporting 100pc cancellation of the un-payable debts of the world's poorest countries* Supporting the establishment of an International Arms Sale Treaty

- TRANSPORT -* Investing £140 million in a bus scrappage scheme to remove old, polluting buses* Cutting rail fares* Making Network Rail refund a third of the ticket price where replacement bus services are used* Switching traffic from road to rail by investing in local rail improvements* Cancelling plans for a third runway at Heathrow and any expansion of other airports in the south east* Undertaking preparations for the introduction of road pricing in a second parliament* Introducing a rural fuel discount scheme

- BUSINESS -* Cutting red tape* Putting an end to the 'gold-plating' of EU rules* Reforming business rates so they are based on site values, not rental* Allowing small businesses to choose to be taxed on cash flow* Overhauling competition powers----Do NOT believe what some would like you to, we CAN do this, The Lib Dems are the only TRUE alternative to the current labour party, and they CAN get into power with YOUR help!Over the next few weeks the Conservative & Labour party will start to sling mud, fake stories, and use there huge funds to try and stop the Lib Dem surge, we NEED to stand strong and ignore the lies...

WE CAN DO THIS---If you have the time please visit your local Lib Dem office and help out, if not - Please invite your friends - do it in 1 click with this guide:

Don't let anyone tell u this election is done and aint over til the fat nation of people sing!

Whoever u vote for we need this election to be a free, fair vote un-molested by vested interest groups.
So whateva ur views, think about who 2 vote for & for what reasons then vote ur own heart.

Don't let anyone tell u how to vote & that includes me, thats what being a lib dem means!.

U should take a few minutes to inform urself so u can decide for urself.

This election is not over at all - all the crap being spouted on the news & in the one-view press is all part of those vested interests, party machines and clunking paymasters - they actually what u to be apathetic. Sorry i'm on fire about this !!

Fom blog to blog page earlier today

Woof Woof..... i'm rabid about this election -#thanksnick oh & thanks Dr Evil for galvanising the LibDem knowers &nownotyets. You really stuffed yerself and yer mates!
Liked your blog &will watch it. I just built a blog meself v proud of meself, v shy about it (as i didn't tweet, blog or whatever until thursday pm! only usual surfing)
There's lots of photos, funnies and vids, some u may not have seen -have a look. I can't wait to savage the ankles of rictus Gordon & his team of morons. As for callmeDave & his webcam walllies, they don't even know its over as they look at the world thru toryvision! hehee Cheeribye the new

Selection of a heated debate with old schoolfriend (Cons) on my facebook

Do u know that what u basing that assumption on 'the polls' they been wrong in all our lifetime elections. Usually they underestimate the final winner big time. (I also have personal academic study of this)
So what we got is either a Cons victory (just) or a LibDem victory. Ironically the universe has turned & a vote for Labour in this general election is a wasted vote. 1 week ago who'd have thunk that.

What that shows is when the public exposed to LibDem people & policies they like what they see. Unfortunately for him the more the public exposed to callmeDave the less they like him - no thats in the toryvision press! don't even have to look to mirrorrr...grr.

Reinforces the fact that LibDem exclusion is what has held them back.

So why am i so confident of a LibDem win? because i'm out there listening to real people talk about, share and wish for a maj govt. Plus this is the 'mumsnet' election aparently. The chattering classes couldn't get enough of that - until that is mumsnet came out for LibDem 50.3%, LibDem only need 42% for massive outright victory. Funnily enough the chattering classes don't want us to be talkin bout that!

So what if i'm wrong then boo hoo we'll get a consensus modern 21st century, european, boring steady, progressive govt run for the benefit of the people not the Mp themselves or any vested paymasters. Win win situation I say!!

I really wish the grinding party machines would stop shouting bullshit at the behest of their paymasters because we the people aint listening no more. They only talking to themselves.

Yeah i'm rather fired up about this - because its bloody important not for me, not for my/any vested interests, but for what would be right for this country & everyone in it. Not something you can say about either a Tory or Labour govt which we know to be true from our own experience.
Grrrr.... woof woof savaging the ankles of anyone talking up a hung govt!

Yes this is the mumsnet election, they are part of the amber revolution

A few months ago 'everyone' was raving about how this was going to be the mumsnet election. Weird how since mumsnet decided to say yes to Lib Dem Nick Clegg in a landslide victory way, that 'they' have shut up about this. Maybe that's because 'they' the chattering classes are as out of touch as labour and conservatives are. 'They' can't have it both ways. Don't let anyone tell you this is gong to be a hung govt. 'They' have a vested interest in ordinary people being apathetic and not turning out to excercise democracy. Times article

Nick Clegg on Andrew Marr BBC

Oh dear Andy Marr is being a bit thick on BBC, if people come here under new immigration rules promised by Lib Dem, they cannot leave their area once here because the onus is on any new employer to check their documents. So unless the immigrants don't wanna to eat, they cannot just go off wherever they want to that is not on their documents. Lib Dem govt going to be very strict on employers who don't adhere to this as a critical part of policy

I'm not as educated as Andy but i understand it. You know it works very well in Australia and Canada.

Plus he is pressing Nick for more policy details but the minute he starts getting into it he interrupts, so does he want to hear the details or not? showing typical BBC bias that has traditionally supported labour. I love the BBC, but really they need to guard themselves that they don't act like Dr Evil's empire its a slippery slope for them you know.
I don't want the BBC to be chopped up and hived off sold to friends of the posh boys at the behest of Dr Evil mad media meglomaniac, but labour can't save them this time. Need to vote Lib Dem to avoid a Tory fail govt.

Saturday 24 April 2010

Sunday morning

Sunday morning and the sun is shining. Took the day off yesterday, apparently I was in good company there then. It's refreshing to see a politician who actually practices what he preaches that'll be Nick & Miriam Clegg who took the day off yesterday to spend it with their sons who had been stranded in Europe due to the planes shut down. His policy is to make us a more family friendly country - I've added a video below, pan down.
As i had been tweeting or twittering whateva the correct etiquette is i'd been on fire for 2 days with little or no sleep. I was just so bloody angry that the tory party machine had been turned on a little party little a bully boy at school- Why? because it is such a danger to their ping pong game of tennis.
Stuff em, I''ve got something to thank them for I've learnt more in the last 3 days about pc and blogs etc than I have in 10 years so #thanks Call me Dave, but sorry #iagreewithnick and #iagreewithvince.
If you haven't yet heard there's something amazing happening an `amber revolution'
Sunday Fail headlnes now in..."David Cameron doesn't care what the polls say when he wins the election he'll deport them anyway". whispered into the ear of chairman eric pickles don't worry we've a man who can inside the poll companies and the polls will soon be looking better for us. Plus our man from straford has got this nifty gadget for the daily polls as soon as someone votes Lib dem, next time they are polled they can't log on and leave a vote, and so we exclude them from the crucial last minute figs, don't worry the polls will soon be looking in our favour" shit.. shit.. i've hit send thats on the way to the printers ...stop it, we've got 30 mins before print run. Whispered into Dr No's ear er.... sir... there's a problemwith that.. ordered a complete interweb shut down so that your blanket media coverage have its effect. Aaaargh... newsfeed latest in.... white kitten bludgened to death in mysterious incident somewhere in the murky party machine.

Jimmibabe for Maj Govt of Lib Dem

I'm 1 small person from a small family...inside a majority of millions...screaming out for equality.
I am aged 39 who used to surf for shopping, amusement, facebook etc, the net revolution had all but passed me by - i'd never tweeted blogged. I don't represnt any paid-for axe grinder, nor had I helped in any election, given a donation to political party until April 15th when my life changed - i realised that i agreed with nick.
I realised there was hope for a change in the future and that never again will i sit on the sidelines. Or allow myself to be made to feel that my vote didn't count, or that my voice was so small it was bound to never be heard by anyone. My voice is not small and it is shouting in unison with millions of others - thanksnick.

At the 2005 election 1 in 4 voters voted Liberal Democrat, if in 2010 1 in 3 voted for them they will be a substantial majority government.
That is how crazy our first past the post system is and it is more than overdue to be dragged kicking, screaming and punching into the reality of the 21st century. You can see why Labour and Tory just want to pass absolute power backwards and forwards between them, decided for the most part by unelected forces working furiously behind the scenes in the murky world of their political machines. It is also why they are both obsessed with screaming/scaring us about a Hung govt. Its a ruse they fear us, they fear an elected Lib Dem maj govt, because they would lose power.
They don't care about you, they just want you to give them your f....g vote. They ask you this every 4 or 5 years and then i between they say talk to the hand cause the face aint listening.
They in their own actions, words and deeds have shown contempt for us the little people. You should show your contempt for them on May 6.

I have always voted Liberal Democrat in my local and national elections even tho in the past they did not win. I did that because for the last 20 years they have reflected my considered views, wishes and hopes perpetually under the leaders who when talking sense in public life and received either ridicule or shouts of i agree with you but you will never form a govt from the chattering classes. Whilst whenever they and other LD MP's were / are exposed to the real general public eg Question Time they've received from the general public almost universally agreement, cheers and applause. Nodding their heads and saying " yeah thats what i think or feel".
My friends, colleagues, family anyone who asked me who i was voting for and after replying Lib Dem often felt free to mock that choice. And sometimes be downright offensive about it. I endured this all the while knowing that i have actually thought about how their policies would affect the govt, how they would affect me. I knew I had thought about my vote and I suspected that they had not. When i explained what Lib Dems wanted to do in office i always heard "thats great, or i would really like to see that, or that should be done, but i'm not voting for them because they won't be the next govt. "
That is not true today, just a few days ago 49% of people when polled said they agreed with Lib Dems policies and would vote for Lib Dem if they could win. 2010 they can win, they will win, FEEL IT - it's all over and tory & lab know it.

But i had the courage to believe what was right, at all times, what was right for me, my job, my family, friends, communuity and country. To hope that things would get better. In the past secretly wishing change could come rather than suspecting it would not. That all changed on April 15. I know for sure that we DO have a choice in this country and we are gonna have to fight and shout very hard to be heard over the white noise of the tory and labour party machine that is in truth chucking everything at us.
We cannot be complacent tho, it isn't over until the extraordinary, normal, free thinking, charming, well informed, with good judgement and policies team of the Lib Dems are returned as the govt on May 7. In short it isn't over until the fat nation of people sing.

Thanksnick and the Lib Dem Team who have restored a sense of self esteem and belief in: accountability, fairness, security, civil liberties, a future fair for all. With political power no longer for sale to the highest most unelected payer. No longer will our MPs be free to snuffle in the troughs and take us into devasting foreign policy decisions. Which i might add the Lib Dems opposed and were derided by the other 2 old parties. Tory never ever have represented the people and labour chucked off their support of the people who brought them to power in 1997 just as soon as they could sell the victorious and subsequent govts power to the highest bidder of all kinds and sorts. We've seen for the last 13 years all u need to know about how Labour and Tory do and will govern.

I and millions of others have pride in saying i am a Liberal Democrat. Thanksnick for restoring our belief that our election, that will be decided by the people without undue influence or bias, without scaremongering, blackmailing cajoling our vote away from us. I am wishing and working for a fairer future for myself, my family my community and country and reject the old fashioned sod you i'm all right jack divide and conquer politics.